GSoC ‘16 - Week #10: Mailhandler updates
This blog post summarizes week #10 of the Google Summer of Code 2016 project - Mailhandler.
In the last blog post, I was writing about the comment and demo module improvements. This blog post will provide an overview of the work done in the past 7 days. Even though the plan was to work mostly on UI/UX issues we ended up in code refactoring.
During the last meeting with my mentors we identified 3 key Inmail issues to work on: Lack of standard result in collaboration of analyzers, Support switching the user context and Provide a hook_requirements fed by plugin instances. We agreed those issues will provide better overall value in the integration of Mailhandler and Inmail modules. It will allow Inmail to implement ideas from Mailhandler, make them generic in a way both modules can benefit from.
Lack of standard result in collaboration of analyzers was identified as the main blocker to achieve analyzer collaboration. After a long discussion and 7 patches, it was finally committed. As a result, Inmail will have a default analyzer result which can be extended sequentially by all enabled analyzers. As this was a big change in core Inmail module, there are several follow-ups created.
Another Inmail issue Support switching the user context was dependent on the default analyzer issue. It uses AccountSwitcher
service which completely switches the user context to the given user/account. That is done after the handlers run. In case the account switching mechanism was activated, we make sure it is switched back after the handlers-processing. On a handler level, we can use \Drupal::currentUser()
and be sure it represents the identified user sender or an anonymous user otherwise.
Last but not least, I have been working on Provide a hook_requirements fed by plugin instances. The goal of this issue is to create a way for each of the Inmail plugins (analyzers, deliverers, handlers) to provide information about its runtime requirements. They can be PHP extension requirements, valid credentials etc. This information is displayed on “Status report” page (admin/reports/status) or processed by contrib modules like Monitoring.

Inmail plugins can produce several issues with unmet requirements. As displayed in the picture above, PGP Analyzer needs gnupg
PHP extension in order to work with signed messages. On the other side, an IMAP deliverer needs valid credentials to be functional.
Since the most of the Inmail issues mentioned above were committed, Mailhandler module will need adaption which is going to be my focus for this week. Also, I will analyze the code of the module and try to simplify it. Besides the mentioned, I will work on Inmail UI/UX issues which will be described in the next blog post.