Post comments via email

Submitted by Milos on Fri, 07/15/2016 - 13:08

Post comments via email

The overall test coverage of Mailhandler module has been improved in the week 7 of Google Summer of Code. The plan for the week 8 was to implement feature for posting comments by sending an email.

Similarly to MailhandlerNode (handler for nodes), we had to create a new config entity: inmail.handler.mailhandler_comment and a handler plugin class. Since comments will have limited support, during the last weekly meeting with my mentors (Miro and Primoz), we decided not to add more analyzers as proposed first, but rather to move comment specific business logic to MailhandlerComment Inmail handler plugin.

In order to simplify the logic in the comment handler, EntityTypeAnalyzer was updated to support partial entity type matching. The entity type was extracted from the subject independently of the second part, which can be bundle or entity ID in case of comments.

The current steps in the comment handler are:

  • Assert we are dealing with comments (the identified entity type is comment)

  • Parse the referenced entity ID from the mail subject: [comment][#entity_id]

  • Validate (authenticate and authorize) a user

  • Create a comment entity if all previous conditions are met

The pull request on Github was already created and it will request additional updates after it received some nice suggestions from my mentor.

The Inmail issue Lack of standard result in collaboration of analyzers progressed well during the last week. After several feedbacks and broad discussion, it is currently in “Needs review” state. In my opinion, it is quite close to be fixed and we will be able to implement the standard analyzer result object into Mailhandler module very soon.

Also, last week I made a few UX improvements in the module.
Inmail demo now supports sample mail messages from mailhandler_d8_demo module. As a related issue, PGP-signed sample mails were added to the demo.

The Mailhandler Demo is our focus for the following week. It will be extended with a sample Mailhandler user with already preconfigured Inmail settings, PGP keys and relevant form and display updates. The goal is to provide an easy start for new Mailhandler users. The progress made on the module so far, will be presented as a short (video) demo. Stay tuned!




Submitted by Lucifer (not verified) on Wed, 08/17/2016 - 07:31


I don't why one would like to use comment ever email rather than normal comment it seems way convenient for me to comment below something.
